Thursday, October 3, 2013

Something Is Brewing

I'm not talking about Halloween.

Let's be very real, here.

If Washington doesn't stop acting like an all powerful collective dictatorship, we are about to have a very serious situation on our hands.
Its all ready serious, but I'm talking "taking up arms" serious.  Not in a threat to any individual, but in a collective get rid of our government way.  I'm not advocating anything particular, I'm just reading the tea leaves, and let me tell you, they are sending a very powerful message.

Don't believe me, then you aren't watching the signs.
I actually started writing this blog last night.  Low and behold, a woman tried to ram the white house and Capitol building today.  We don't know anything yet, but my guess is she was mad.  Really, really mad.

I have heard big time radio guys talk about what's about to happen, and make serious promises in regard to what their responses will be if Washington takes certain actions.

People are mad.  People are fighting mad.  They are ready for an all out brawl.

Our government has taken to pushing people to extremes by doing things that have finally pushed us all over the edge.  Things that make no sense to anyone.  Things that aren't trying to pretend to be based on common decency.
I am totally flabbergasted that during this whole shutdown, the WIC program is going to lose funding, and children will actually be going hungry, but Camp David keeps its full staff and is being totally maintained, just in cased the Prez needs to go take a quick vacay.
That makes me want to vomit.

Sometime in the last 50 years, we handed over the reigns of this nation to a bunch of fat cats, and we just gave up.  We have collectively let them do whatever the hell they want to do, and left ourselves, at least mentally, powerless.
I wasn't raised like this.  My dad was honestly in our elected Representatives office on a regular basis.  He was escorted out twice.  See, that is how I was raised.  I believe its about time I started following in my father's footsteps, too.  Its about time for us to get up off the computer, and go down to ask our elected officials some questions in person.  Maybe then they will finally hear us.

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